Results for 'Mat Olav Messerschmidt'

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  1.  24
    The Body and the Completion of Metaphysics: A Critical Analysis of Heidegger’s Nietzsche.Mat Olav Messerschmidt - 2022 - Nietzsche Studien 51 (1):251-270.
    In this essay, I examine Heidegger’s interpretation of Nietzsche, focusing centrally on his understanding of the Nietzschean “body.” Nietzsche’s status as the culminating figure of Western metaphysics depends on the notion that the body, in Nietzsche’s thought, is the last Western subject. I confirm Heidegger’s sense of the importance of the Nietzschean body, and, in particular, the centrality of the word “incorporation”, to a proper understanding of Nietzsche. I argue, however, through a critique of Heidegger’s own understanding of “incorporation” in (...)
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  2. 60 philosophical papers dedicated to professor Wlodek Rabinowicz.Various Authors - manuscript
    Contributing Authors: Lilli Alanen & Frans Svensson, David Alm, Gustaf Arrhenius, Gunnar Björnsson, Luc Bovens, Richard Bradley, Geoffrey Brennan & Nicholas Southwood, John Broome, Linus Broström & Mats Johansson, Johan Brännmark, Krister Bykvist, John Cantwell, Erik Carlson, David Copp, Roger Crisp, Sven Danielsson, Dan Egonsson, Fred Feldman, Roger Fjellström, Marc Fleurbaey, Margaret Gilbert, Olav Gjelsvik, Kathrin Glüer & Peter Pagin, Ebba Gullberg & Sten Lindström, Peter Gärdenfors, Sven Ove Hansson, Jana Holsanova, Nils Holtug, Victoria Höög, Magnus Jiborn, Karsten Klint (...)
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  3. Hegemonic Masculinity: Rethinking the Concept.James W. Messerschmidt & R. W. Connell - 2005 - Gender and Society 19 (6):829-859.
    The concept of hegemonic masculinity has influenced gender studies across many academic fields but has also attracted serious criticism. The authors trace the origin of the concept in a convergence of ideas in the early 1980s and map the ways it was applied when research on men and masculinities expanded. Evaluating the principal criticisms, the authors defend the underlying concept of masculinity, which in most research use is neither reified nor essentialist. However, the criticism of trait models of gender and (...)
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    Sagt och menat : 17 uppsatser tillägnade Mats Furberg på hans 50-årsdag. 2 (1983).Mats Furberg - 1983 - Institutionen För Filosofi, Göteborgs Universitet.
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    Peirce's Philosophy of Communication: The Rhetorical Underpinnings of the Theory of Signs.Mats Bergman - 2009 - Continuum.
    A social conception of science -- The pursuit of forms -- Beyond the doctrine of signs -- Structures of mediation -- Signs in action -- Prospects of communication -- From a rhetorical point of view.
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    Claiming knowledge: strategies of epistemology from theosophy to the New Age.Olav Hammer - 2001 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume deals with the transformation of unchurched religious creativity in the late modern West.
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  7. Het natuurrecht volgens de wijsbegeerte der wetsidee: een kritische beschouwing.Olav Jacobus Leonardus Albers - 1955 - Nijmegen: Janssen.
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  8. Creatures of Imagination and Belief.Olav Asheim - 1996 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 1 (1):61-78.
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  9. Grices värdelära.Mats Furberg - 1995 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 2.
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    (1 other version)Knowledge and error : a new approach to radical interpretation.Olav Gjelsvik - 2012 - In Gerhard Preyer (ed.), Donald Davidson on truth, meaning, and the mental. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 167.
  11.  46
    Representational content and the explanation of behaviour.Olav Gjelsvik - 1990 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 33 (3):333 – 353.
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    The Token-token Identity-theory and Recent Theories of Reference.Olav Gjelsvik - 1986
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  13. Bedingt und kontextualisiert : Notizen zur Bildung in machtvollen Verhältnissen.Astrid Messerschmidt - 2020 - In Carsten Bünger & Martina Lütke-Harmann (eds.), Unbedingte Bildung: Perspektiven kritischer Bildungstheorie. Wien: Löcker.
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  14. Johan Vincent Galtung.Romy Messerschmidt - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher (ed.), Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag. pp. 343--187.
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    Rational Lawmaking under Review: Legisprudence According to the German Federal Constitutional Court.Klaus Messerschmidt & A. Daniel Oliver-Lalana (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book explores the constitutional, legally binding dimension to legisprudence in the light of the German Federal Constitutional Court's approach to rational lawmaking. Over the last decades this court has been remarkably active in applying legisprudential criteria and standards when reviewing parliamentary laws. It has thus supplied observers with a unique material to analyse the lawmakers' duty to legislate rationally, and to assess the virtues and drawbacks of this strand of judicial control in a constitutional democracy. By bringing together legislation (...)
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  16. Subjektivierung durch (Weiter-)Bildung.Astrid Messerschmidt - 2011 - In Bernd Lederer (ed.), "Bildung": was sie war, ist, sein sollte: zur Bestimmung eines strittigen Begriffs. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren.
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  17. Galwenee wirseeni etikâ.Vilis Olavs - 1918 - Rigâ,: W. Olawa fonda izdewums.
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  18.  28
    Bayesian Statistical Inference and Approximate Truth.Olav B. Vassend - unknown
    Scientists and Bayesian statisticians often study hypotheses that they know to be false. This creates an interpretive problem because the Bayesian probability of a hypothesis is supposed to represent the probability that the hypothesis is true. I investigate whether Bayesianism can accommodate the idea that false hypotheses are sometimes approximately true or that some hypotheses or models can be closer to the truth than others. I argue that the idea that some hypotheses are approximately true in an absolute sense is (...)
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  19. A theory of focus interpretation.Mats Rooth - 1992 - Natural Language Semantics 1 (1):75-116.
    According to the alternative semantics for focus, the semantic reflec of intonational focus is a second semantic value, which in the case of a sentence is a set of propositions. We examine a range of semantic and pragmatic applications of the theory, and extract a unitary principle specifying how the focus semantic value interacts with semantic and pragmatic processes. A strong version of the theory has the effect of making lexical or construction-specific stipulation of a focus-related effect in association-with-focus constructions (...)
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  20. Preference Change: Approaches from Philosophy, Economics and Psychology.Mats J. Hansson & Till Grüne-Yanoff (eds.) - 2008 - Springer, Theory and Decision Library A.
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    The ways of Aristotle: Aristotelian phrónêsis, Aristotelian philosophy of dialogue, and action research.Olav Eikeland - 2008 - Bern: Peter Lang.
    This book is a meticulous study of Aristotle's phronesis and its applications to the fields of personal development or character formation and of ethical ...
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  22.  89
    Why change your beliefs rather than your desires? Two puzzles.Olav Benjamin Vassend - 2021 - Analysis 81 (2):275-281.
    In standard decision theory, the probability function ought to be updated in light of evidence, but the utility function generally stays fixed. However, there is nothing in the formal theory that prevents one from instead updating the utility function, while keeping the probability function fixed. Moreover, there are good arguments for updating the utilities and not just the probabilities. Hence, the first puzzle is whether there is anything that justifies updating beliefs, but not desires, in light of evidence. The paper (...)
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  23. On Questions and Pseudo-Problems.Mats Furberg - 1973 - In Sören Halldén (ed.), Modality, morality and other problems of sense and nonsense. Lund,: Gleerup. pp. 85.
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    Can happiness measures be calibrated?Mats Ingelström & Willem van der Deijl - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):5719-5746.
    Measures of happiness are increasingly being used throughout the social sciences. While these measures have attracted numerous types of criticisms, a crucial aspect of these measures has been left largely unexplored—their calibration. Using Eran Tal’s recently developed notion of calibration we argue first that the prospect of continued calibration of happiness measures is crucial for the science of happiness, and second, that continued calibration of happiness measures faces a particular problem—The Two Unknowns Problem. The Two Unknowns Problem relies on the (...)
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  25. Measurement of Corporate Social Action.James E. Mattingly & Shawn L. Berman - 2006 - Business and Society 45 (1):20-46.
    The contribution of this work is a classification of corporate social action underlying the Social Ratings Data compiled by Kinder Lydenburg Domini Analytics, Inc. We compare extant typologies of corporate social action to the results of our exploratory factor analysis. Our findings indicate four distinct latent constructs that bear resemblance to concepts discussed in prior literature. Akey finding of our research is that positive and negative social action are both empirically and conceptually distinct constructs and should not be combined in (...)
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    Kris och kultur: kulturvetenskapliga perspektiv på kunskap, estetik och historia.Mats Arvidson, Ursula Geisler & Kristofer Hansson (eds.) - 2013 - Lund: Sekel.
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  27. An analysis of nonnatural meaning.Mats Furberg - 1970 - In Thorild Dahlquist & Tom Pauli (eds.), Logic and value. Uppsala,: [Filosofiska Föreningen och Filosofiska Institutionen vid Uppsala Universitet]. pp. 9--21.
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    Philosophy, Addiction and Inquiry.Olav Gjelsvik - 2013 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 56 (5):417 - 427.
    ABSTRACT This introductory paper raises, partly as a preparation for the other papers in this issue, questions about how philosophy ought to proceed in the light of knowledge we have in surrounding disciplines, with a focus on the case of addiction. It also raises issues about how addiction research might be enlightened by philosophical work. In the background for the paper are two competing approaches to the evidential grounding of philosophical insight. According to a widespread view, philosophical knowledge rests on (...)
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  29. Representationalism and Realism.Olav Gjelsvik - 2006 - ProtoSociology 23.
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    Idealization and the Centipede - What is the Significance of the Backward Induction Theorem.Mats Johansson & Martin Palmé - 2001 - Value and Choice 2.
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    Logic and Abstraction: Essays Dedicated to Per Lindström on His Fiftieth Birthday.Mats Furberg, Thomas Wetterström & Claes Åberg (eds.) - 1986 - Göteborg, Sweden and Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
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    Création littéraire et idéologie: réflexions sur une «histoire belge».Michèle Mat - 1981 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 42:141-149.
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    Myths of the Self: Narrative Identity and Postmodern Metaphysics.Olav Bryant Smith - 2004 - Lexington Books.
    Myths of the Self is a departure from the standard fare of postmodern thought. In a unique and brilliant turn, Smith argues that the best way of dealing with the topic of the self is a synthesis of a narrative theory of identity, using Ricoeur as a source, along with the constructive "postmodern" metaphysics of Alfred North Whitehead. The resulting synthesis is a new and potentially invigorating spin on the genesis of postmodern thought.
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    Nonstandard Bayesianism: How Verisimilitude and Counterfactual Degrees of Belief Solve the Interpretive Problem in Bayesian Inference.Olav B. Vassend - unknown
    Scientists and Bayesian statisticians often study hypotheses that they know to be false. This creates an interpretive problem because the Bayesian probability of a hypothesis is typically interpreted as a degree of belief that the hypothesis is true. In this paper, I present and contrast two solutions to the interpretive problem, both of which involve reinterpreting the Bayesian framework in such a way that pragmatic factors directly determine in part how probability assignments are interpreted and whether a given probability assignment (...)
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  35. Cultural Meanings of Prices. Constructing the Value of Contemporary Art in Amsterdam and New York Galleries.Olav Velthuis - 2002 - Theory and Society 31.
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    A Formalism Supplementing Cognitive Semantics Based on a New Approach to Mereology.Olav K. Wiegand - 2006 - In Ingvar Johansson, Bertin Klein & Thomas Roth-Berghofer (eds.), WSPI 2006: Contributions to the Third International Workshop on Philosophy and Informatics.
  37.  8
    Phenomenology on Kant, German Idealism, Hermeneutics and Logic: Philosophical Essays in Honor of Thomas M. Seebohm.Olav K. Wiegand, Robert J. Dostal, ‎Lester Embree, J. J. Kockelmans & J. N. Mohanty (eds.) - 2000 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This volume comprises systematic as well as historical essays, including contributions intended to give comprehensive overviews of such areas as genetic phenomenology, transcendental phenomenology, philosophy and history of logic and mathematics, Kant, hermeneutics, Hegel, and philosophy of language. The book is addressed to phenomenologists, particularly those who are interested in some or all of the areas mentioned. In his introduction Joseph J. Kockelmans indicates that these diverse areas enter into dialogue in the work of Thomas M. Seebohm, whom the editors (...)
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  38.  75
    New Semantics for Bayesian Inference: The Interpretive Problem and Its Solutions.Olav Benjamin Vassend - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (4):696-718.
    Scientists often study hypotheses that they know to be false. This creates an interpretive problem for Bayesians because the probability assigned to a hypothesis is typically interpreted as the probability that the hypothesis is true. I argue that solving the interpretive problem requires coming up with a new semantics for Bayesian inference. I present and contrast two new semantic frameworks, and I argue that both of them support the claim that there is pervasive pragmatic encroachment on whether a given Bayesian (...)
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  39.  95
    Justifying the Norms of Inductive Inference.Olav Benjamin Vassend - 2022 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (1):135-160.
    Bayesian inference is limited in scope because it cannot be applied in idealized contexts where none of the hypotheses under consideration is true and because it is committed to always using the likelihood as a measure of evidential favouring, even when that is inappropriate. The purpose of this article is to study inductive inference in a very general setting where finding the truth is not necessarily the goal and where the measure of evidential favouring is not necessarily the likelihood. I (...)
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  40.  49
    The Phenomenological Semantics of Natural Language, Part I.Olav K. Wiegand - 2001 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 1:241-255.
  41.  99
    The philosophical significance of Stein’s paradox.Olav Vassend, Elliott Sober & Branden Fitelson - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 7 (3):411-433.
    Charles Stein discovered a paradox in 1955 that many statisticians think is of fundamental importance. Here we explore its philosophical implications. We outline the nature of Stein’s result and of subsequent work on shrinkage estimators; then we describe how these results are related to Bayesianism and to model selection criteria like AIC. We also discuss their bearing on scientific realism and instrumentalism. We argue that results concerning shrinkage estimators underwrite a surprising form of holistic pragmatism.
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  42. Representationism and Presentationism.Mats Bergman - 2007 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 43 (1):53-89.
    1 This article examines Peirce's semiotic philosophy and its development in the light of his characterisations of "representationism" and "presentationism". In his definitions of these positions, Peirce overtly pits the representationists, who treat percepts as representatives, against the presentationists, according to whom percepts do not stand for hidden realities. The article shows that Peirce's early writings—in particular the essay "On the Doctrine of Immediate Perception" and certain key texts from the period 1868–9—advocate an inferentialist approach clearly associated with representationism. However, (...)
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    ¿Podríamos hablar de una odontología narrativa?Jorge Godoy Olave, Catalina Guerra Parker, Pablo Fuentes Díaz & Pamela Jofré Pávez - 2024 - Persona y Bioética 28 (1):e2814.
    Aunque el modelo de atención en salud ha evolucionado, aún suele desplazar la importancia de incluir la narrativa del paciente e intenta uniformar las necesidades de las personas enfermas. La medicina narrativa nos da la capacidad de interpretar y comunicar los relatos de nuestros pacientes, a través de la escucha activa, así como de valorar la complejidad del ser humano, a diferencia de la salud basada en la evidencia, donde las experiencias de un individuo son extrapolables a otros pacientes sin (...)
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  44.  11
    On “Meaning and Experience”.Olav Gjelsvik - 2013 - In Michael Frauchiger (ed.), Reference, Rationality, and Phenomenology: Themes from Føllesdal. De Gruyter. pp. 221-234.
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    COMECON and EEC : A Comparative Analysis.Olav Lorents Bergthun & Terkel Troels Nielsen - 1968 - Res Publica 10 (3):407-432.
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    Anamnesis - Dialogical Recollection Work as an Empirical Research Method.Olav Eikeland - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 50:65-69.
    The original article, which first appeared in Norwegian, is a detailed study of anamnesis or recollection in Plato and Aristotle. It discusses, first, how recollection is relevant for the understanding of central aspects of the philosophy of Aristotle, and then discusses how the “regained” Platonic-Aristotelian concept of anamnesis can be related to current methodological challenges in modern social research. After having received feedback on the original article from David Bloch, who has recently translated and commented the Aristotelian text “On memory (...)
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  47. Om dödsbegrepp och definitioner.Mats Furberg - 1987 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 8 (1):1.
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  48. Tankar om döden.Mats Furburg - 1970 - Stockholm,: Aldus/Bonnier.
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    Vision och skepsis.Mats Furberg - 1969 - Stockholm,: Aldus/Bonnier.
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    Experience.Olav Gjelsvik - 2004 - Theoria 70 (2-3):167-191.
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